
Waukesha Times

Friday, July 5, 2024

Family satisfaction survey shows high marks for safety and involvement

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Scott Wheeler President at Elmbrook Schools | Official website

Scott Wheeler President at Elmbrook Schools | Official website

Thank you to the 1,334 respondents who provided feedback to our schools and the District via the annual 2024 Family Satisfaction Survey. This year’s survey was conducted in May, with participation numbers consistent with previous years. Results are analyzed at both the School and District levels, and key findings along with next steps are reported to the Board of Education’s Community and Legislative Committee.

Detailed survey results can be found online, with a blue “Distribution” bar indicating the percentage of responses selecting agree/strongly agree, a light gray bar for neutral responses, and a dark gray bar for disagree/strongly disagree. Columns labeled “District 2023” and “District 2022” represent agreement percentages from previous surveys. A green percentage indicates that this year’s result exceeded that of the comparison year. Overall, the 2024 survey results were positive across all categories.

Key Findings:

- The District's Net Promoter Score (I would recommend my child's school to a friend) remained at an all-time high with an 87% positive response rate (8% neutral).

- 90% of respondents agreed that their school is a safe place to learn (6% neutral).

- Family satisfaction with opportunities for involvement increased by 8% to 83%, as did family satisfaction with involvement in decisions impacting their child’s education (66% to 74%, with 17% neutral).

- There was significant growth in school administrator responsiveness (5% increase to 79%, with 16% neutral) and in students’ ability to get help when needed (5% increase to 85%, with 10% neutral).

- Satisfaction with lunch food options matched last year’s high at 54%, while dissatisfied responses decreased by 3% to 20%.

Next Steps:

- Family Satisfaction District Results will be posted on our website and shared with the Board of Education’s Community and Legislative Committee in June.

- For the third consecutive year, a Food Service follow-up survey was conducted in May involving families, staff, and students; this will guide menu planning for Fall.

- School teams will review student, staff, and family survey feedback during June's continuous improvement planning process to inform their school improvement plans and action steps.



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