
Waukesha Times

Friday, July 5, 2024

Senator Hutton calls for bipartisan reform following assault on Brookfield police officer

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Senator Rob Hutton | Official U.S. Senate headshot

Senator Rob Hutton | Official U.S. Senate headshot

MADISON — Sen. Rob Hutton (R-Brookfield) issued a statement in response to the assault of a Brookfield police officer at Brookfield Square Mall on Tuesday night.

“This incident is yet another reminder of the life and death risks our law enforcement officers take every time they go to work. I commend the bravery of the officers involved. Our prayers are with the injured officer,” Hutton said.

He emphasized the importance of supporting law enforcement, expressing disappointment over Governor Evers' vetoes of several bills aimed at aiding police efforts to manage violent offenders.

“It is critical that we support those who protect and serve us. It’s very disappointing that when given the chance to do just that, Governor Evers chose to veto multiple bills that would have assisted police in keeping violent offenders off our streets,” he stated.

Hutton called for bipartisan cooperation in future legislative sessions to enact reforms strengthening law enforcement capabilities.

“In the next legislative session, I sincerely hope both parties can put aside politics-as-usual and find agreement to support reforms in our criminal and judicial system that will strengthen law enforcement’s efforts in keeping our communities safe,” he concluded.




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